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北京国安队是中国足球的标志球队,成立于1951年,是中国最古老的一支职业足球队。 Beijing Guoan football.html">Football Club is the oldest and most iconic professional football club in China, founded in 1951.

国安队曾经在多个国际赛事中取得过优异的成就,如亚洲杯和东亚锦标赛等,获得过多个冠军亚军。 Beijing Guoan has achieved impressive results in various international tournaments, including the Asian Cup and East Asia Games, winning multiple championships and runner-up titles.

中国足球联赛中,国安队是一支稳定的强队,在2002年至2015年的13个赛季中共获得8个冠军和4个亚军。 In the Chinese Football league.html">League, Beijing Guoan is a stable strong team, having won 8 championships and 4 runner-up titles in the 13 seasons from 2002 to 2015.

北京国安队的成就不仅止于球场上,更体现在社会和文化方面。 The achievements of Beijing Guoan go beyond just the football pitch, also reflecting on society and culture.

今天,北京国安队仍然是中国足球的标志性球队,为人们带来激情和欢乐。 Today, Beijing Guoan remains a symbol of Chinese football, bringing excitement and joy to fans.